UX/UI Designer.

All my design UX use cases and more, collected in chronological order.

Accessibility is beyond color contrast

While color contrast is an important aspect, it is essential to recognize that accessibility extends far beyond this single element.

Case Study: Dutch Museum Gift Shop

In this case study I tell you what this process consisted of with the Dutch Museum Gift Shop, a client with whom we worked for two months to create a new design and improve the usability of an online shopping platform that collaborates with 17 museums in and around Amsterdam.

Enough toxic positivity, APPETITE is here

I feel like a copywriter from the 50s in Mad Men when they used to write those catchphrases and Don Draper would come and yell at you like there was no tomorrow. Welcome to this new case study.

Redesigning WTP!: A Case Study

What does WTP refer to? A makeover is always a challenge, but asking to redesign the site of an acquaintance, that’s another type of pressure. Welcome to another Case Study where we worked on the redisign of What the pow! web, our client for this third project of Ironhack UX/UI Design Bootcamp.

Being part of Amazon is not always a “beautiful” success: Goodreads

How to improve such an ugly app but at the same time be traditional and popular due to the age range that manages? For this case study, we had the objective of cloning, and remodeling an app. The chosen one, or the one that chose us, was Goodreads.

Rent a car and buy a hand mixer…

Wait, what? What does a wireframing project have to do with a mixer? Welcome to my second Ironhack Challenge before the bootcamp starts.